Willow was THE BEST little helper for the Hands On Neighborhoods event cleaning up the East side of Jamestown with the City of Jamestown DOD.
- We take pride in where we live and the community that we’re a part of. We’ve worked towards strengthening our neighborhoods and building community long before Snowbelt was thought of and plan to continue our mission indefinitely.
- In the 5 large bags of trash we picked up, I’d say about 90% of it was #plastic of some sort. A TON of #singleuseplastic including to go cups, straws, and snack packaging. McDonald’s wins the most popular garbage brand littered around our streets.
- We will strive to bring you the most sustainable packing for our products that we can. While state regulations are strict on what materials we can use and it has to be child- and tamper-resistant, it is our mission to avoid single use plastic wherever we can.
- Did you know that in Colorado when you buy flower and they put it in those thick plastic containers, once cannabis has been in them, they are deemed hazardous and no longer recyclable? That’s insane! And that’s a lot of plastic waste! While it costs a little more, we will aim for glass and possibly aluminum containers which can be recycled or easily re-used
On a side note, if everyone had the Barney song in their head like I did all day, “clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere” maybe we wouldn’t have to have specific community clean up days